Sister founded and operated

How it all started:

In 2022, Erika (AKA Mother Goose) began the search for her very own porch goose, remembering the one our grandmother had in her garden when we were growing up. After many years cramped in a 1 bedroom apartment during her college years, she knew she eventually wanted to purchase a home with a porch to be able to proudly display a goose. So, the hunt began and eventually, a goose magically materialized. “Susan” became a car goose, waiting patiently for the day it could grace the porch of her and her husband’s first home.

Once Erika had secured her Susan, she scoured Facebook in hopes of finding a group to share in her passion for her new cement friend, but no such thing existed. Thus, The Porch Goose Club of America was born September 2022!

The group was initially very small, composed of several friends and family members and only Erika creating content. After several months of steady growth, membership exploded to our now 200k+ lovely members! Sydney, Erika’s sister, joined in as the co-administrator to help manage the group and after some time, we added our lovely moderators to help keep the group a happy, peaceful, and silly part of the internet.

You can find us/our club featured in the summer 2024 edition of Country Sampler Magazine and an upcoming book!

Meet the sisters behind the scenes!

Hello! My name is Erika, aka Mother Goose, and I'm the creator and 1 of 2 administrators of our not-so-little-anymore club! I was born and raised in the Toledo, Ohio area and work full time as an occupational therapist in a preschool and elementary schools. My husband and I have a 16 month old little girl, Vivienne, who is a ball of energy and is already talking our ears off I may look younger, but I just turned 3 decades in October.

When not at work or on our page, I love to crochet, be out of the house, shop, play Nintendo games, visit friends and family, and listen to my audiobooks Thanks for being here and sharing in the silliness!


Hey everyone! I’m Sydney, the co-admin and the proud sister to Mother Goose herself! By day, I’m a tooth obsessed freak (dental hygienist ) and a mom to 4 dogs and 7 pet goats by night!

My life is basically a never-ending episode of Animal Planet, and I wouldn't have it any other way. When not tending to my animals, I enjoy making art, dying my hair fun colors, and gardening on my little homestead in the warm summer months of Ohio.

Thanks for being here to share in the giggles and fun. I love this group!


“ Honk honk honk, honk honk honk honk”
